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tallyprime 5.0

Tallyprime 5.0 Release

tallyprime 5.0

TallyPrime 5.0 Release : Uncover What’s New!

Tallyprime 5.0 will provide users with a slicker and seamless experience. The update offers new functionality to smoothen GST compliance, TDS calculations, and payment processing. Additionally, the Middle East and Bangladesh users can now access the platform in their native language for better availability and usability. We look at some of the highlights and features of this release.

Master Your Accounting & Compliance with TallyPrime 5.0 and Connected GST

 Experience Seamless GST compliance as TallyPrime 5.0 eliminates homegrown pain points of managing your GST conditions. smoothly upload GSTR- 1, GSTR- 3B & CMP- 08 and download GSTR- 2A & GSTR- 2B.

 Key Features of Tallyprime 5.0

  • Seamless Uploads & Downloads upload and download GST returns from TallyPrime in no time. 
  •  Error-free Form directly generates GSTR- 1 directly from the software. 
  • Real-time Party Information generates and verifies party checks based on real-time data.
  • ITC perceptivity Track ITC pitfalls and ensure accurate tab uploads for compliance. 


  • Mismatch correction is now easy and paves the way for smoother returns. 
  • Automate party attestations, GST uploads, and numerous further. 
  • Get clarity in real time over compliance and concentrate on growing your business.  

TDS Sec 194Q – Automated duty calculations in Tallyprime 5.0

No more homemade calculations! TallyPrime will automatically calculate the TDS as per Sec 194Q where a purchase exceeding ₹ 50 lakhs per time is tested. You can also manage of TDS exemption and update it in bulk with this new point.  

Manage Tally Plug-Ins within TallyPrime 5.0

TallyPrime lets you operate Tally Plug-Ins directly. For instance, TallyCapital provides easy access to business loans and credit standing checks with great facilitation for businesses.

Multilingual Arabic & Bangla with Tallyprime 5.0

TallyPrime now supports Arabic and Bangla languages for users in the Middle East and Bangladesh. This includes publishing checks and reports in native languages and easing collaboration across verbal boundaries.


  • Seamless Language Switching Smoothly switch between Arabic, Bangla, and English without data loss.
  • Multi-User, Multi-Language Each user can work in his/her language in a network terrain.
  • Smooth your Payment operation with Bill Sorting.
  • TallyPrime 5.0 enables you to prioritize pending bills to avoid late payments and freights.  

Enhanced Readability with Stripe View in Tallyprime 5.0

 Make large reports and validations more readable by shading every alternate row. Keep your reports hassle-free, whether printing, exporting, or sharing documents. 

 Bell Icon Instant notifications in Tallyprime 

 Stay updated with the new Bell Icon announcement system, complete with timely reminders for important updates such as GST uploads, TSS renewals, and license operations in one report.   

Smoother Migration of Data in Tallyprime 5.0

Upgrade from TallyPrime Release 3.0 to 5.0 seamlessly homemade migration demanded, just backup, cargo, and go. Your data upgrades itself without needing to dismember business operations.

 Other Product Enhancements in Tallyprime 5.0

TallyPrime now includes updated income duty crossbeams for correct payroll compliance. You can participate in the payment and damage validations seamlessly via WhatsApp along with prefilled philanthropist details. Besides, bulk data processing for bank conciliation and synchronization is now done more speedily and is more reliable.

 Optimized Printing for Cost-effectiveness in Tallyprime 5.0

The Optimized Printing feature helps you save paper by minimizing title reiterations in your checks. Every inch of the runner is put to judicious use to help you save every penny.  

Shape the Power of TallyPrime 5.0 Now! 

With the below incentivizing enhancements, TallyPrime Release 5.0 propels your business to the coming position. From simplifying your GST experience and automating TDS computations to managing your payments more effectively, this release has it all for you to stay well ahead.  

Please feel free to contact us for any more details or customized support. We would be very happy to help you unleash the full power of TallyPrime 5.0!
